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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Allie | Custom Toms

Allie : Giants/Volleyball

Toni | Custom Toms

Toni : Airplane/Volleyball

Cathy | Custom Toms

Cathy : Dance & Music!

Ryan | Custom Toms

Ryan : Harry Potter 


One pixel at a time

My love for video games and art is one and the same. My main goal is to cram these two passion into one flaming ball of glory! What I really mean is that my ultimate goal is to be making art that is used in video games. Pixel art is a great way to blend my two loves. Great art that comes out looking like some of the Nintendo and Super Nintendo games of yesterday that fill my heart with gaming goodness.

Using minimal colors while doing pixel art is key, usually trying to keep your file size as small as possible. I've included my color pallet here so you can see the colors I've used, 11 total.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The force is strong with this one

My cousin got married about a week ago and I had to do a special gift for the wedding. This particular cousin is responsible for getting me into a lot of things in the sci fi world including Star Wars. It is well known within my family that I love Star Wars but ask any of my relatives and my cousin Brian would definitley be voted the Star Wars aficionado of the family. 

Here is my homage to Star Wars and my cousin Brian who found his lovely princess in Lisa! My new cousin : ) 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Process

For me watching the evolution of a drawing is a interesting and insightful look at the piece. I feel like you are allowed to see what the person was thinking and are included in how they sculpted the drawing. Here is a simple example of this. I really like doing these and will be doing more and more from now on.